On My Mat


It is here, on my mat, where I connect to the Divine.

With every inhale I feel the expansion in my lungs, and a lengthening of my life with arms reaching high overhead to the heavens.

With every exhale and fall forward, I feel the freeing of my chest, my core, my back, my shoulders, my neck and head. I feel the freeing of my mind and exiting of anxieties held deep within. I feel the Earth beneath me, feeding me her wisdom.

It is here, on my mat, I find the Divine in me. We meet again and again, day after day, to say I love you, you are love. You are alive, live.

It is here, on my mat, where I realize my full potential. Where I manifest all that is and will be. I feel the strength in my arms and my legs, and my soul. I intuit what is next and what may never be.

It is here, on my mat, I am aware that the Universe is in me. And it is you, too.

Join me. Grab your mat. Let’s meet the Divine. Let’s return to a meeting of ourselves. Free and full of love and potential. Another beginning, a birth awaits.

Truth. Love. Peace. Grace. Yoga.